Book Release Announcement

I’m excited to share that “Sleeping Beauty Awakened: Tools for the Modern Goddess” (my first book) is now available via Amazon.

To those of you who live in DFW, I invite you to help me CELEBRATE this huge milestone in my life and career. Join me Saturday, December 2nd, at Keller Yoga from 2:00 – 5:00 pm. Click here for more details.

To read the synopsis, listen to promo podcasts, and/or to order the paperback or kindle versions of the book, find the info here.

Why did I self-publish?

In my explicit teaching memoir, I share erotic details about my intimate relationships and how I consciously use substances to enhance them. I was nervous about how a publishing house would respond to an unknown author sharing (and promoting) illegal activities. I knew that for this book to be what Spirit has guided me to share, those stories were necessary, and I didn’t want anyone to tell me to edit them out.

So, I took the time and energy to learn how to publish my own work. It was challenging, time-consuming, and frustrating at times. However, I’m smarter now, and the next book will be a piece of cake.

All that said, to my familial elders and friends who tend to be more conservative, there’s still valuable nuggets for you in there. My book is broken down into 4 sections: 1) Unlearning, 2) Remembering, 3) Education, and 4) Goddess Tools. Should you rather skip the risqué parts, you’ll want to skip most of section 4. However, I strongly encourage you to still check out out the “Tool Box” and “Temple Nourishment” chapters within that section, as they are all about mediation, movement, and nutrition. They aren’t spicy at all!

And to those of you who are wondering, yes, it will eventually be available via Audible. However, it’s going to be a hot minute. I started laying the audio track today, and I can already tell that it’s going to take a long time. I worked on it for an hour today, and only made it through a couple pages. I have faith I’ll move faster as I become more proficient with the software. But if you’re aching for the info, I strongly suggest downloading or ordering your copy. Either way, I’ll let you know when the audio book is available.

I’m super proud of myself and excited about the doors this project will possibly open for me, but please know that I’m not done yet.

I fully intend to eventually release a YA (young adult) version of the book that will exclude all of the explicit stuff about sex and drugs. This book contains valuable information about female hormones, the menstrual cycle, and how to have an empowered period. I want my friends to be able to share this information with their daughters, and I realize that they are hesitant due to the nature of the rest of the book. So, stay tuned. “Sleeping Beauty Awakened: Junior Edition” will be my next project.

Lastly, I intend to create a “Sleeping Beauty Awakened Workbook.”

At the end of each chapter in the original work, I include “Going Deeper Questions.” These are questions to help the reader reflect on the lessons of the chapter regarding her life. For readers who want a dedicated place to process the information and notate the lessons they learn through my experience, I want to provide that. I sense it will be extra valuable to those who opt to wait for the Audible, as it will provide a hard-copy of the journaling prompts.

Thank you to everyone who’s already purchased your copy. I really appreciate the support. I’ve got to sell 200 books to break even; and since my publication in September, I’ve sold 75 copies. Please consider gifting a copy to a special someone in your life as the holiday season is upon us.

May the rest of your year be filled with health, vitality, stability, love, and juicy joy!

Thank you for everything! ❤

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